SXSW Interactive


Wow, what a long Monday… Drove into Austin in the morning for SXSW Interactive. I had a great time… Met John Freyer of All My Life For Sale . I find that whole project absolutely fascinating – I first found out about it when he appeared on TSS with Leo… pretty cool that I ran into his session randomly.

Dirk spoke around 3:30 about Database Driven Sites which was fun to listen to… I have this huge appreciation for DB-people since I don’t think I’ll ever want to admin any sort of database myself… 🙂

Of course, Pud was there and we heckled the Adult Webmaster panel.

Evan of was around as was Brandon Wiley of Freenet.

I also had the priviledge of meeting Brad of LiveJournal and Cameron of Camworld. (for those of you still curious about the goat, go here)

Aftering the show we all grabbed some Thai… hit the Library and then Speakeay’s and drove home… I think my head finally hit the pillow around 2am… Anyhow, I’ll probably head up again to Austin later on this week to check out the SXSW Music scene – sounds like it’ll be fun.

Pictures here.

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