Geek Newz

For those of you who use MSN Messenger and have installed the MSN Add-on for instant Hotmail access, you might wanna check this out so you can get rid of those pesky ads on the bottom.

Since we’re already talking about Microsoft, I thought I’d throw this into mix. It seems that they know that network adapters don’t work when the cable is unplugged – profound.

This past weekend, my company Rackspace Managed Hosting was in the local paper… its not much of a paper, but its a great fluff article about us.

OOOH! And there seems to be a proliferation of idiot spammers using the MS messaging service to pop up windows on your desktop to send you some great offer… You can go here to learn how to turn it off. If you want to complain to the company who builds the software go check out their website here and drop them a line.

Office distractions? Sure! Go get a Razor Air-gogreat fun around the office – assuming you don’t face plant into a wall. 🙂

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