July 15th, 2003
Evidentally, Paul thinks I’m a Metrosexual. And then Dirk calls me on the way home to listen to NPR because they’re playing something about metrosexuality on the air… well… here’s some info on it… check it out for yourself:
- http://www.theage.com.au/cgi-bin/common/popupPrintArticle.pl?path=/articles/2003/03/10/1047144914842.html
- http://www.msnbc.com/news/933020.asp?0si=-
- http://www.theeastcarolinian.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2003/07/11/3f0ebce718a92
- http://mensnewsdaily.com/archive/p/purcell/03/purcell062603.htm
- http://www.sundayherald.com/34672
Frankly, I may be a quasi-Metrosexual… but I like cars… and the hardware store… and doing “boy” stuff… [shrug]