September 26th, 2003
Texas number 6
Texas ranked 6th best climate for small business
Texas has been ranked the sixth best state for small business and entrepreneurship by the Small Business Survival Committee’s (SBSC).
From the SBSC article:
In terms of their policy environments, the most entrepreneur-friendly states under the “Small Business Survival Index 2003” are: 1) South Dakota, 2) Nevada, 3) Wyoming, 4) New Hampshire, 5) Florida, 6) Texas, 7) Tennessee, 8) Washington, 9) Michigan, 10) Mississippi, 11) Alabama, 12) Colorado, 13) Illinois, 14) Virginia, and 15) Indiana.
In contrast, the most anti-entrepreneur policy environments are offered by the following: 37) North Carolina, 38) Montana, 39) Ohio, 40) West Virginia, 41) Iowa, 42) Oregon, 43) New Mexico, 44) Vermont, 45) New York, 46) California, 47) Rhode Island, 48) Maine, 49) Minnesota, 50) Hawaii, and 51) District of Columbia.