This is pretty cool… I wonder if they’ll be successful…

What is Remote Control Mail?

RCM offers the privacy of a PO Box and combines it with the convenience of the Internet – Remote Control Mail (RCM) delivers your postal mail online!

When you get an RCM account you can choose from any of our RCM Addresses around the country. You can have the USPS forward your mail to your chosen address(es) and/or notify everyone who sends you mail that this is where you want to receive your mail in the future.

When we receive your mail we immediately scan the front of every envelope. You can log onto the Internet from anywhere in the world, any hour of the day, to see what mail you’ve received. Then, you can choose whether you’d like us to shred an item, group it together with other items and forward-ship it to you, or have us open the item and scan its contents to a PDF file.

Remote Control Mail