Pop News Today

Are these spec-ads? Do people actually air this stuff? Am I missing good commericials because I’m too quick to skip them on my TiVo? This is some GREAT stuff!

Back in the day when I was still in high school, people had this major issue with dropping their beepers in the toilet. I have no idea why that would happen, but it was funny none-the-less. These days you hear the same story but with cell phones — and I still think its pretty funny to hear a cellphone vs. toilet story. But this has definitely got to take the cake – “Three Die Retrieving Phone from Latrine.” My god.

Did anyone say procrastination?

I have to admit, I love Maxim… and Stuff is almost as good. And articles like this one make me feel that all the money I haven’t spent on Stuff is worth every penny. 😉

Joe Millioinaire? Love it? Hate it? Don’t care? Wanna kill a few minutes? Check this out.

Everyone had a school bully… and sometimes he’d extort money from you… well, he tried… Its seems that there’s some new Uber-Bully out there now – and this particular one raked in almost $13,000!

Hiccups? Can’t get rid of them? If you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked, you might want to check out this reference.

And to completely de-bunk the whole japanese faux-see-through skrits read this.

Ever see “FISH” on the back of a food truck? Ever wonder why you never see BEEF? or CHICKEN? Paul tells me that “FISH” stands for “Federally Inspected Safe Handling”. Go figure.

And PLEASE PLEASE don’t use your Razor Air-go for acts of violence like this.

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