San Francisco Considers Ban On All Pet Sales – Slashdot

"The LA Times reports that the Humane Pet Acquisition Proposal is on its way to the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco. It would ban the sale of any animal that walks, flies, swims, crawls or slithers — unless you plan to eat it. Representatives of the $45-billion to $50-billion-a-year pet industry call the San Francisco proposal ‘by far the most radical ban we’ve seen’ nationwide and argue that it would force small operators to close. Animal activists say it will save small but important lives, along with taxpayer money, and end needless suffering. ‘From Descartes on up, in the Western mindset, fish and other nonhuman animals don’t have feelings, they don’t have emotions, we can do whatever we want to them,’ says Philip Gerrie, coauthor of the proposal. ‘If we considered them living beings, we would deal with them differently.’"

via San Francisco Considers Ban On All Pet Sales – Slashdot.