April 7th, 2003
Pop News Today
Conspiracy! Oil industry suppressed plans for 200-mpg car… read about it here.
Joe Millionairre never goes away… check this.
A 40-year-old registered nurse was found guilty last week of public lewdness for engaging in a m?nage ? trois with relatives on a moving Long Island Rail Road train last September. Yes you read that correctly – WITH RELATIVES! From CNN.
Vegan? Vegetarian? Make sure you know what you’re doing… read this.
Sometimes I wish for a white-Christmas… sometimes snow is a huge problem… these pictures are amazing.
Stories of public masturbation… crazy stuff.
The ever-popular giant squid… now you can see a picture.
Is your daughter still a virgin? Read this.
Darwinism at its best… Teen killed by shovel in odd game with car.
It appears that triplets born in North Korea are being seized… its a bizarre story – read all about it.