Category Archive for 'Uncategorized'

OD-ing on Austin

Sunday, March 16th, 2003

Four nights in Austin in the past week. Wow. Its like I live there now. Paul and I did the math and figured out that it would be cheaper to just rent hotel rooms every time we went up instead of leasing an apartment – so be it! There are so many stories I can’t […]

Pop News Today

Friday, March 14th, 2003

Are these spec-ads? Do people actually air this stuff? Am I missing good commericials because I’m too quick to skip them on my TiVo? This is some GREAT stuff! Back in the day when I was still in high school, people had this major issue with dropping their beepers in the toilet. I have no […]

Super Heating Phenomenon

Friday, March 14th, 2003

First it was aluminium foil… then people started throwing CD’s in them… and now, people are putting WATER in microwave ovens and causing mayhem! Evidentally, this phenomenon known as “super heating” is well known — I dunno about you but I’ve never had a hot cup of water EXPLODE like this video shows.

Red, Blonde, and Blue?

Friday, March 14th, 2003

Let me start by saying that I think that Chis is awesome. He’s fun to hang out with and is the life of the party when called to duty, but WTF is this? And if you’re so inclined you can see the full-on music video of how it went down here.

Austin City Limit

Friday, March 14th, 2003

Driving home at 2am from Austin is not the most entertaining thing in the world once you’ve had a few drinks in your system. I did make it home safe, but I don’t think I’ll be doing that again. Anyhow, my attempts in attending SXSW for music was a complete bust last night. I got […]

Pop News Today

Thursday, March 13th, 2003

A couple of years back I spend a few weeks in London. To this day I’m not sure if stuff like this or this are really just “British-isms” or if they’re trying to be funny. One of those things that make you go – Hmmmmmm New Scientist reports that “Stupidity should be cured“! Thank GOD! […]


Thursday, March 13th, 2003

There are only a few things I like about San Antonio. but I gotta say, this is one city that knows how to party… and San Antonio folk party ALL the time. Fiesta is coming up next month– a whole two weeks of back-to-back events, and its probably the biggest party this city has annually. […]

Geek Newz

Thursday, March 13th, 2003

For those of you who use MSN Messenger and have installed the MSN Add-on for instant Hotmail access, you might wanna check this out so you can get rid of those pesky ads on the bottom. Since we’re already talking about Microsoft, I thought I’d throw this into mix. It seems that they know that […]


Wednesday, March 12th, 2003

Annie in the hizz-ouse!

Pop News Today

Wednesday, March 12th, 2003

Every so often you stumble on a gem of a link… this one happens to be from E-bay… The Instant Girlfriend – gotta check it out. Its approppriately in the “Everything Else:Weird Stuff:Slightly Unusual” catagory. Funny stuff. I had some friends over Tuesday night… primarily to watch Fear Factor since this particular episode was filmed […]


Wednesday, March 12th, 2003

So I was at this wedding in Houston this past weekend, and my college friend Mefi was wearing the most amazing perfume… I LOVE IT. Its “Issey Miyake” and I’ve been told that its pretty expensive as fragrances go – I have no idea, but whatever it costs, its worth every penny. Just look what […]

Pop News

Tuesday, March 11th, 2003

Ok, the rising cost of gasoline is starting to get a bit ridiculous… check out this picture and this one from Yahoo. Apparently, My ***damn rock solid ghetto shiznit name is Rock Hard Kool. What’s yours? Chris has decided to start some bizarre “business” of some kind… so I figured I’d plug it – go […]


Tuesday, March 11th, 2003

Speaking of All My Life for Sale, I also find FOUND fascinating… (that sounds a bit weird… I find found… bah, anyways) you can found the skinny on it here… go check it out.


Tuesday, March 11th, 2003

Ok so people have been asking me stuff like “Do you use Trillian?”, “Do you like Trillian?”, etc, etc, etc…. I do actually use Trillian… but only for MSN, AIM, and Yahoo!…. My primary IM network is ICQ. There are three reasons why I don’t use ICQ on Trillian: * Complete lack of server-side contact […]

SXSW Interactive

Tuesday, March 11th, 2003

Wow, what a long Monday… Drove into Austin in the morning for SXSW Interactive. I had a great time… Met John Freyer of All My Life For Sale . I find that whole project absolutely fascinating – I first found out about it when he appeared on TSS with Leo… pretty cool that I ran […]

Testing 1-2-3

Monday, August 26th, 2002

Ok, this the very first entry in my own personal Blog… I just got back from GnomedexII in Iowa. It appeared that everyone and their mom (literally) had a blog there… You can see pictures of the event here.