December 31st, 2011
Watch “What Are You Doing New Years Eve? by Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt” on YouTube
September 7th, 2011
Circumcision rate down slightly in U.S. hospitals | BabyCenter
Thu, Sep 1, 2011 HealthDay News — After rising steadily through the 1990s, the rate of circumcisions for newborn American boys has waned a bit over the past decade, a new report shows.
via Circumcision rate down slightly in U.S. hospitals | BabyCenter.
June 28th, 2011
Americans have the worst pool and beach etiquette? Shocking! | Puget Sound Business Journal
When traveling abroad, what country’s residents do you think exhibit the worst poolside and beach etiquette? Would it surprise you to hear that Americans are rated the worst?
via Americans have the worst pool and beach etiquette? Shocking! | Puget Sound Business Journal.
June 28th, 2011
Lactating woman sprays police with breast milk – Boing Boing
An Ohio woman was arrested Monday and charged with disorderly conduct after spraying sheriff’s deputies with her own breast milk.
via Lactating woman sprays police with breast milk – Boing Boing.
June 28th, 2011
7-Up to moms: “Give 7-Up to your babies!” (1956) – Boing Boing
This 1956 Life ad for 7-Up urges parents to feed it to babies: "For a fact, you can even give this sparkling drink to babies–and without any qualms. Lots of mothers do just that!"
via 7-Up to moms: “Give 7-Up to your babies!” (1956) – Boing Boing.
June 28th, 2011
San Francisco Considers Ban On All Pet Sales – Slashdot
"The LA Times reports that the Humane Pet Acquisition Proposal is on its way to the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco. It would ban the sale of any animal that walks, flies, swims, crawls or slithers — unless you plan to eat it. Representatives of the $45-billion to $50-billion-a-year pet industry call the San Francisco proposal ‘by far the most radical ban we’ve seen’ nationwide and argue that it would force small operators to close. Animal activists say it will save small but important lives, along with taxpayer money, and end needless suffering. ‘From Descartes on up, in the Western mindset, fish and other nonhuman animals don’t have feelings, they don’t have emotions, we can do whatever we want to them,’ says Philip Gerrie, coauthor of the proposal. ‘If we considered them living beings, we would deal with them differently.’"
via San Francisco Considers Ban On All Pet Sales – Slashdot.
June 5th, 2011
School to ban kids who are not toilet-trained – The Times of India
LONDON: A group of parents here have turned an agitated lot after a primary school threatened to ban their children if they were not sent properly toilet-trained.
via School to ban kids who are not toilet-trained – The Times of India.
June 5th, 2011
In California, Efforts to Ban Circumcision Gain Momentum –
I dunno if they should make it illegal… or maybe they should… hmm…
When a group of activists proposed banning circumcision in San Francisco last fall, many people simply brushed them aside. Even in that liberal seaside city, it seemed implausible that thousands of people would support an effort to outlaw an ancient ritual that Jews and Muslims believe fulfills a commandment issued by God.
But last month, the group collected the more than 7,100 signatures needed to get a measure on the fall ballot that would make it illegal to snip the foreskin of a minor within city limits. Now a similar effort is under way in Santa Monica to get such a measure on the ballot for November 2012.
If the anticircumcision activists (they prefer the term “intactivists”) have their way, cities across the country may be voting on whether to criminalize a practice that is common in many American hospitals. Activists say the measures would protect children from an unnecessary medical procedure, calling it “male genital mutilation.”
via In California, Efforts to Ban Circumcision Gain Momentum –
May 25th, 2011
Why We Need a Little Fear | Psychology Today
This was not the end of the story. Five years later, Lucy showed up in the emergency room again. She has suffered another generalized seizure. The attending physicians described her as "lethargic and unresponsive, but medically stable." That’s when things get weird. According to the original case report in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, "She was left unattended in an examination room. About 30 minutes later, she was found in an adjacent room performing fellatio on an elderly male cardiac patient."