Surgery Monitoring

Patients describe it as like being buried alive. The worse part is not the pain, they say, although that can be excruciating, but the horror of being paralysed, unable to talk and yet totally aware of what the surgeon is doing to you.

Monitor detects awareness during surgery


The REAL Milkshake video… watch it here.

Luxury Cars and Luxury Hotels

The well-heeled are becoming the well-wheeled as luxury automakers woo affluent hotel guests. Hoteliers and automakers are teaming on marketing deals aimed at taking the best hotel customers for a spin to introduce them to the charms of new high-end autos.

Subtle sell: Hotels chauffeur guests in luxury cars

Porno Hen

For years, pornographers have used the Web to stage interactive peepshows that let visitors type requests to models in front of the camera. More recently, amateur “camgirls” have used cheap webcams and broadband connections to broadcast performances from their own bedrooms.

Porno Hen Hawks for Burger King


To understand this phenomenon, you need to know about phototaxis. Phototaxis is an organism’s automatic movement toward or away from light. Cockroaches are an example of a negatively phototactic organism. You’ve probably noticed how they scurry back into dark corners and crevices when you illuminate their late-night snacking party in your kitchen. Moths are positively phototactic. They seem charmed by your porch light, your headlights or your campfire (even if it leads to their untimely demise). While there is no definitive explanation for this phenomenon, there are some interesting theories.

Why are moths attracted to light?

Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity

A spacecraft set to test Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity is now on the launch pad, with the world’s most accurate gyroscopes stowed away inside.

Spacecraft to measure Earth’s drag on space-time


Good news, Mom and Dad. Your soon-to-be college graduate might not have to move back home, after all.

Grads see brighter job prospects

Fat Stem Cells

For the first time, stem cells purified from fat have been used to heal an injury in a living animal.

Fat stem cells heal broken skulls

Ladies from “The Apprentice”

The ladies from “The Apprentice” are showing off their bottom line. Last woman standing, Amy, and former “Apprentices,” Katrina, Kristi and Ereka, reveal what’s underneath their business suits for the May issue of FHM. And “Extra” has a behind-the-scenes peek at their photo shoot.

The Ladies of ‘The Apprentice’ Cash In

(Thanks Vik)

Standard Laptop Batteries

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) released a new specification for the design and manufacture of laptop batteries Monday morning.

IEEE Finalizes Laptop Battery Spec


Victoria’s Secret is dropping its nationally televised fashion show this year, at least partly because of criticism following Janet Jackson’s breast-baring faux pas at the Super Bowl.

Victoria’s Secret to drop TV fashion show

Austin Toll Roads

The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority and the Texas Department of Transportation on Monday unveiled a proposal for building more than $2.2 billion worth of toll roads.

$2.2B toll road plan proposed

Power Outage

One of the biggest hotel-casinos on the Las Vegas Strip closed Monday after a main power line failed, forcing the property to relocate thousands of guests.

Power remains out at top Las Vegas Strip hotel-casino

Genetically Modified Grass

In an unmarked site on the edges of this community of berry farmers, Bob Harriman puts one foot on the world’s most controversial grass. It’s a blanket of brilliant green — as thin as a piece of paper and as uniform as cellophane.

Growing the world’s most controversial grass

Where Am I?

For a small fee, photo recognition software on a remote server works out precisely where you are, and sends back directions that will get you to your destination.

Photo recognition software gives location

Fat Cat

German tom cat Mikesch, weighing an impressive 18.5 kilos ( nearly 41 lbs) sits in his enclosure, where he was dropped off at the animal home in Berlin in this April 2, 2004 file photo. The six-year-old became overweight after his owner fed him with two kilos ( 4.4 lbs) of minced meat per day. Shelter officials said Mikesch is so fat he cannot clean himself and suffers from heart trouble.

World Photos

Big Mac in France

Back in 1999, a sheep farmer in an Asterix mustache led a small band of Gauls on a Big Mac attack heard ’round the world. A proud, feisty France, he exulted, humbled Imperial McDonald’s.

Big Mac invasion forces France to weigh culture


A popular subject on the big screen and television (especially the daytime variety) is a form of memory loss known as amnesia. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary defines amnesia as “a disturbance in the memory of information stored in long-term memory, in contrast to short-term memory, manifested by total or partial inability to recall past experiences.” Amnesia is a condition in which someone can’t recall stored memories, like their mom’s maiden name or what happened last Christmas, but they may recall the knock-knock joke their little brother told them a few seconds ago. This is actually an example of retrograde amnesia.

What exactly is amnesia?


Mobile phone radiation may cause a massive increase in the forces that living cells exert on each other, suggests a new study from Sweden.

Cellphones may boost forces on biological tissue


It’s time again for USA TODAY’s Save Our Shows survey. For the seventh year, we want your opinion on which TV shows in limbo deserve a second chance. But it’s not just the shows that need saving. It’s the networks.

Can TV be saved?


White-collar copycats may be less inclined to pilfer the well-chosen words of others now that software designed to ferret out plagiarism is moving out of academia and into the business world.

New software detects plagiarized passages

Copy CD

Software that makes it simple to bypass any form of anti-copying technology used to protect music CDs has been released by a computer magazine and a software company in Germany. The program exploits the so-called “analogue hole”.

Software beats all CD copy protection

Baby Likes Chocolate

Expectant mothers can take heart this Easter. Tucking into chocolate eggs is good for the baby, according to a study of over 300 women – especially if you are feeling a bit on edge.

Chocolate in pregnancy keeps baby happy

Coffee with a real kick

A coffee-flavored liqueur with the Starbucks name, made by the Jim Beam Brands Co., will arrive in bars and liquor stores later this year.

Starbucks’ next venture is coffee liqueur


Frequent sexual intercourse and masturbation protects men against a common form of cancer, suggests the largest study of the issue to date yet.

Frequent ejaculation may protect against cancer

Body Parts

In a basement of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, in an office near the morgue, Ronn Wade’s phone rings with yet another request for body parts.

There’s money in the business of body parts

Jewel Eye

Jannemiek Sonneveld, 27, turns her left eye to show the latest thing in body fashion, the Jewel Eye, in her hometown Driebergen, the Netherlands April 7, 2004. The eye jewel, made of platinum and available in the shape of a heart, a star or circle, is implanted under the cornea of the eye and is not visible unless the eye is turned. The procedure costs 500 euros.

Entertainment Photo


When San Antonio tech startup ServerBeach was in a growth spurt last year, it needed to expand its customer-service operations but didn’t have the time or capital to hire and train a cadre of new workers quickly.

Sending Jobs Overseas Doesn’t Always Pay Off for American Companies

Safe Sex

Many sexually active Americans do not practice what they preach when it comes to safe sex, according to a new survey that indicates a gap between the precautions people claimed to take and their actual behavior.

Survey: Gap between safe-sex claims, practices

Teenage Lesbians

Teenage lesbian or bisexual girls are many times more likely to smoke regularly than straight girls their age. They are the worst hit by tobacco among all groups of young people, according to a new US study.

Teenage lesbians have worst rates of smoking


When at the prom, it’s best to stick to your date.

Idaho couple ‘sticks together’ at prom

Kids and TV

The more television infants and toddlers watch, the more likely they are to have trouble paying attention and concentrating during their early school years, a study reports Monday.

Short attention span linked to TV


A long-vacant building has not only attracted a major new tenant, but a new owner as well.

Rackspace inks big lease deal


To the surprise of those road warriors who view airports as necessary — and tediously undramatic — evils, the A&E Network reality show Airline is flying high. Recently renewed for a second season, with a related miniseries launching this spring, the show follows the exploits of Southwest Airlines passengers and airport employees at Los Angeles International and Chicago’s Midway International. The first season’s final episode airs Monday night, and USA TODAY’s Laura Bly checked in with London-based series producer Chris Carey for an update on Airline’s takeoffs and landings.

‘Airline’ TV show reflects airports, baggage and all

Condom Labeling

It’s just a little bit of wording on a condom packet – so small that Justin Kleinman hadn’t noticed it until he squinted to read it recently.

Condom label changes spark debate

Trump Card

Seeing the popularity for “You’re fired!” on The Apprentice, some marketers are saying “You’re hired!” to Donald Trump, real estate tycoon turned reality TV star and pop icon.

Advertisers play the Trump card

Indian Suicide Rate

The highest suicide rate in the world has been reported among young women in South India by a new study. The research is of major importance, according to the World Health Organization, as it brings to light Asia’s suicide problem.

Indian teens have world’s highest suicide rate

Chat Room Mixup

A man enacting a rape fantasy game with a “victim” he met in an Internet chatroom broke into the wrong apartment and assaulted an innocent woman, CNN reports.

Internet rape fantasy ‘game’ goes horribly wrong


Taking Viagra could reduce men’s fertility, suggest the results of a new study. The anti-impotence drug not only speeds sperm up, researchers found, but it also caused the vital reaction needed to penetrate an egg to occur prematurely.

Viagra could reduce men’s fertility

Sudden Death

How do you tell a healthy heart from one that could stop without warning? By measuring variations in the length of the heartbeat, according to a team of researchers in Greece.

Heartbeats warn of sudden death risk