
What is in an antiperspirant that stops sweat?

Most people put on either deodorant or antiperspirant before leaving the house. There are some products that perform both functions. These products are used to control sweat and odor in our underarms. There are two types of glands in our underarms, apocrine and eccrine. The eccrine glands are by far the most numerous sweat glands and are responsible for producing most of the sweat in our underarms, as well as in our entire body.

Feel the pain

Men inflict greater pain than women

Men and women report feeling more pain if the person inflicting the pain is male, shows a UK study.

USS Montana

Some of you may have heard this story before, but its so much more amusing in video form…

Watch it here

Extreme Calorie Restriction

Stay Fat and Live Long

Humanity’s best bet for extreme lifespan extension is likely to be extreme calorie restriction. That means an average-size man living on about 1,800 calories a day.

Pretty Day

What a beautiful day in the neighborhood… la la la

Porn Switch

Another great spoof on Apple’s Swtich ad…

Porn Switch

(Thanks Chris)

Superbowl Ads

If you missed the Superbowl Ads… here’s a mirror of them at iFilm. They’ve been down since Sunday, so I guess its all fixed now.

Go here

Trade Secrets

What is a trade secret, and how is it different from a patent or copyright?

A trade secret is any information that allows you to make money because it is not generally known. A trade secret could be a formula, computer program, process, method, device, technique, pricing information, customer lists or other non-public information. If the economic value of a piece of information relies on it being kept private, it could be a trade secret.

Wardrobe Malfunctions

Our cup runneth over with clothing mishaps

After Justin Timberlake ripped Janet Jackson’s bustier, hers was the breast seen ’round the world. USA TODAY’s Olivia Barker takes a good look at other notorious “wardrobe malfunctions” among celebrities — some legitimate and some as choreographed as, well, a Super Bowl halftime show.

Alief fifth-grader

Fifth-grader accidentally shoots himself at school

An Alief fifth-grader is in stable condition this afternoon after he accidentally shot himself at school this morning.

(Thanks Johnny)

Driving in snow

This is why you should probably hire a real tow-truck if you ever need to get pulled out of snow…

Watch it here


Gadzooks seeks bankruptcy protection, will close 125 more stores

Dallas-based juniors apparel retailer Gadzooks Inc. (Nasdaq: GADZ), which operates five stores in San Antonio, on Tuesday filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization and announced it will close another 125 stores.

Computers and Marriage

Computers can seriously damage your marriage

Couples whose relationships are in trouble are using the Internet to avoid dealing with their problems, according to counsellors at Relate.

Janet’s Boob.

The DRUDGE REPORT has learned…

Top CBS executives approved a musical skit where Janet Jackson would expose her breast during the MTV-produced Super Bowl half-time concert


Hey ya… Charlie Brown… watch it.

4GB CF Microdrive for only $299

I’ve added the Muvo2 to my Amazon wish list! Woohoo!

How To Get A 4GB Microdrive For $299?

“As late as two days ago, the Muvo2 4gb coming out of Creative Labs own online shopping are not soldered. This rumor has been floating around. As of now, it is unsubstantiated by any individual, even anecdotally. Here’s how to downgrade it to 1gb and end up with a 4gb MD and a very nice 1gb MP3 player for the price of the Muvo2 (Currently $299) and whatever you paid for your 1gb MD. Please be aware that there are reports that it will not work with a solid state CF. I have not independently confirmed this.”

No shit

Finally someone else said it too! Thank you Nelson Minar!

Plus sign in email addresses

Note to webapp developers: the + character is a valid part of an email address. Don’t stop me from using it. And fix your broken CGI parsing so + isn’t treated as space.

Canceling Super Bowl parties

Vegas hotels canceling Super Bowl parties

Some of Las Vegas’ biggest hotel-casinos are canceling Super Bowl parties and handing out refunds to thousands of guests after the NFL threatened legal action against those who broadcast the big game on big-screen TVs.

Vulnerable Servers Warned

FTC seeks to secure more than a million servers that can be spoofed by spammers.

The Federal Trade Commission has identified more than 1 million IP addresses that provide open proxies or open relays, which spammers can tap to hide their identities, and is alerting server owners that they might be inadvertently helping spam.

Faster Linux

2.4 vs 2.6 Linux Kernel Shootout

“Infoworld are currently running an interesting comparison of the 2.4 series kernel against the new 2.6 release on Xeon, Opteron and Itanium CPUs with some surprising benchmark results for common server-related tasks. Basically the new scheduler helps the 2.6 kernel to cream the old 2.4: Samba tests showing up to 73% speed increases, MySQL showing up to 29% and Apache serving dynamic content up to 47% faster!”

Damn MS

MS drop authentication technique to foil phishing

Redmond’s plans to remove support for handling user names and passwords in HTTP or HTTPS URLs in IE are designed to protect Web surfers from being lured to malicious constructed or fraudulent sites.

Cell Phone Cancer

Cellphones safe – at least in short term

The first in a series of eagerly anticipated nationwide studies has concluded that the use of mobile phones poses no increased risk of brain cancer – at least not for the first 10 years

James Brown

So this is what his hair looks like when he wakes up in the morning!


Declining testosterone might put men at risk for Alzheimer’s

Low levels of the male sex hormone testosterone may put healthy men at risk of developing Alzheimer’s years later, a new study suggests.

Background Checks

U.S. to start airline background checks

Homeland Security officials say a government plan to check all airline passengers’ backgrounds before they board a plane could be implemented by this summer.

Trojan Games

Vlad sent me these, they’re pretty funny… check em out…

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

Captain Kangaroo

Bob Keeshan, Captain Kangaroo, dies at 76

Bob Keeshan, who gently entertained and educated generations of children as television’s walrus-mustachioed Captain Kangaroo, died Friday at 76, his family said

Apple ADC Displays

Have an ADC based LCD panel from Apple you’d like to use on your PC? Look no further than the Dr. Bott DVIator
DVI-ADC Adapter.

Linux Weekly News

New server installed

LWN is now running on its newer, faster server; thanks to Rackspace for giving us an upgrade! We think everything is working, but no doubt one little problem still lurks somewhere. If you encounter any paranormal phenomena, please let us know at [email protected].

Breast Cancer

Deodorants plus shaving linked to breast cancer

Frequent underarm shaving combined with deodorant use might increase women’s chances of getting breast cancer, claims a study based on a survey of over 400 women with breast cancer in the US. It is the first evidence of such a link to appear in a peer-reviewed journal, but it is far from conclusive.

Personal Income

San Antonio area personal income tops $46.5 billion

The four-county San Antonio metropolitan area accounted for nearly $47 billion, or 7.6 percent, of the personal income in Texas in 2001, according to a new study.

Mad Plane Disease

Mystery Deaths on London Flights

A 19-year-old British woman died Monday on board a Virgin Atlantic flight from Miami to London’s Heathrow Airport, the airline said. A day earlier, two passengers on a British Airways flight from Miami to Heathrow died, including one from suspected viral meningitis.

On Sleeping

‘Just Sleep On It’ Solves Tricky Problems?

An anonymous reader writes “CBC news reports that the effectiveness of ‘sleeping on it’ when faced with a difficult task may have more than just anecdotal roots. 66 students were trained to perform a calculation on an eight digit number using two simple rules which would take seven steps to complete. A different method existed to perform the same calculation ‘almost instantly’, but was not shown to the students. After eight hours, where half the students were allowed to sleep and the other half remained awake, 60% of the rested and 22% of the wakeful students discovered the more efficient method.”

In-house rivalry

Organizational Behavior: The Enemy Next Door

Can too much in-house rivalry among coworkers be a good thing? Not if your management style demands teamwork, yet pits one employee against another or makes one a star. Here’s how to avoid the pitfalls and promote greater collaboration.

HP’s iPod

How HP invented the market for iPod resellers

Apple’s iPod is the killer device of online music, and HP very well should have owned it.

Cops with radar guns…

While I was driving down the road the other day (going a little faster than I should have been) I passed over a bridge only to see a cop on the other side with a radar gun laying in wait.

The cop pulled me over, walked up to the car, and with that classic patronizing smirk we all know about, asked “What’s your hurry?”

To which I replied, “I’m late for work.”

To which he asked, “What do you do?”

“I’m a rectum stretcher,” I responded.

The cop was surprised and confused. “A what? A rectum stretcher?? And just what does a rectum stretcher do?”

“Well,” I said, “I start by inserting one finger, then I work my way up to two fingers, then three, then four, then with my whole hand in I work side to side until I can get both hands in, and then I slowly but surely stretch the hole, until it’s about 6 feet.”

Then the cop asked questioningly and cautiously, “And just what do you do with a six-foot asshole?”

To which I politely replied, “You give him a radar gun and park him behind a bridge …”

Traffic ticket: $95.00

Court costs: $45.00

Look on cop’s face … Priceless

(Thanks Bart)


I’m a bit fan of the F11 trick on Max OS X called Expose. So its reasonable for me to want to have it on my WinXP laptop… and I found WinExpose which claimed to do the same thing on Windows.

Don’t buy it. It sucks.

I found a copy of it flying around the net to try out and lemme tell you, I”m glad I didn’t spend the $10 for it. Its slow, its clunky, and it doesn’t give you the same satisfaction the OS X version does. [sigh]

Queer Debut

TV’s ‘Queer’ Guy Opts for the Musical Life

Jai Rodriguez, the culture maven of Bravo/NBC hit reality series “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy,” is in the studio recording his debut album.

(Thanks Carlie)


Rackspace earns Frost & Sullivan’s telecom Product of the Year award

Rackspace Managed Hosting has been awarded the 2004 Frost & Sullivan Product of the Year Award in the telecommunications services market for its Intensive Hosting division.


Rickshaw-reminiscent pedicabs cycle past novelty status

Pedicabs have grown in the past decade from being a tourist ride on boardwalks and beaches to a way to transport people at airports and even the Super Bowl.