
What exactly is Jell-O made from?

If you’ve ever eaten in a cafeteria, chances are good that your dessert options included Jell-O. There are hundreds of different desserts that use Jell-O to create everything from your basic institutional-style gelatin square to ornate designs that incorporate varied Jell-O flavors, fruit, and whipped toppings. Jell-O consists of four basic ingredients:

Happy Halloween


Blog noise achieves Google KO

The humble weblog has finally achieved dominance over Google, the world’s most-used search engine. Originally intended as a tool that allowed people to publish their personal diaries, weblog software has swiftly evolved, accreting several “innovations” that have had catastrophic consequences for Google. If you’ve never heard of the “Trackback”, or ever wanted to know, then we have bad news: you’re about to become acquainted, whether you like it or not, dear Google user.

Other interesting arcticles include:

(Thanks Dirk)

Cloned Meat

US says food from cloned animals is safe

Meat and milk derived from animal clones is likely to be safe for human consumption, says a draft report by the US Food and Drug Administration. However, a decision on whether to allow the selling of food products from cloned animals will not be made for at least another year.

Ethernet over Cable Coax

I’m working on a project with a buddy that requires that I run almost everything over coax… including s-video, audtio, and yes, even ethernet…. we found this and it seems promising:

Coaxsys PURE SPEED Home Network Solution has everything you need to get your home connected. By delivering 100 Mbps Ethernet over your already existing coaxial cable you’ll be distributing audio and video, playing online games with PCs and game consoles and much more without skipping a beat.

Upscale Fastfood

You want ambiance with that?

Take baby boomers with heartburn and Gen Xers with money to burn, and what have you got?


Wireless Goes Mobile

So what is telematics exactly?


I’ve been a Bluetooth convert for awhile now… love it. I met Jim a few months ago, and now he seems to think its cool too.

Finally, a Useful Bluetooth Device

I’m standing in the middle of a half-empty Silicon Valley parking lot, grinning like an idiot and holding a circuit board festooned with wires and other accoutrement. The cord from my Bose noise-canceling headphones snakes out of the board while, inside my head, I hear the clear dulcet tones of my favorite new band, The Assembly of Dust.

Network Block Device

“What is it: With this thing compiled into your kernel, Linux can use a remote server as one of its block devices. Every time the client computer wants to read /dev/nd0, it will send a request to the server via TCP, which will reply with the data requested. This can be used for stations with low disk space (or even diskless – if you boot from floppy) to borrow disk space from other computers. Unlike NFS, it is possible to put any file system on it. But (also unlike NFS), if someone has mounted NBD read/write, you must assure that no one else will have it mounted.”

This came up from this Slashdot article regarding resilient storage across a network.

This means you can run RAID across multiple machines, or share CD-RW and Tape drives… very very cool.

Check it out

New Toy

Just bought a new cordless phone. The AT&T 2230 2.4GHz Dual Handset Phone With Caller ID/Call Waiting. Two bases, two handsets… only one has to be near a phone jack. My current 2.4gig digital phone acts weird sometimes so I think I’m going to Ebay it.

The set is $80 + free shipping and there’s a $30-off rebate… $50 + tax — what a deal.

Here’s the Best Buy link.

College Phone Revenues

Colleges catch cell phone wave

“I’m very busy on campus … so it’s nice having that connection and not having to worry about all the calls I missed while I was at work or the computer lab.”

Get a Stripper-Pole

Stripping’s new side

As a dozen naked women undulate on three stages, Susan Doster fires up a cigar and leans back in one of the leather armchairs in The Cheetah strip club’s VIP section. The 48-year-old and a quartet of pals — conservatively dressed professional women in their 30s, 40s and 50s — are in TGIF mode, unwinding over cocktails at the end of the workweek.

Pimp Juice

Energy drinks get their hip-hop on

Hip-hop impresarios — who have cracked the marketing code on style-setting music, clothes and even cell phones — are now trying to put their mark on the $1 billion energy-drinks business with brands billed as “raw,” “pimpin” or “defcon.”

Red Wine Cures

Red wine chemical may soothe lung disease

A chemical found in red wine may quell inflammation in a severe and incurable lung disease in humans, suggests a new study. The molecule, an antioxidant called resveratrol, is credited for many of the beneficial properties previously associated with the drink.

Jessica Simpson

She’s having a blonde moment

The Dumb Blonde.
Even after 30 years of feminism, she just won’t go away.

Funny Videos

Check out his basketball mishap. Video here

And this one is a classic if you watched the commercials from last years superbowl… Video here.

Blog Spam

Spam Rapidly Increasing In Weblog Comments

dsurber writes “BBC News has a nice article discussing ‘flyblogging’, the phenomenon of spammers leaving advertising-related posts on personal weblogs. The writer comments: ‘None of the other blogs I contribute to or run has been affected yet, but I can only assume it is a matter of time before the spammers move in, as they did first with UseNet and then with e-mail. It depresses me to think that any open medium can be so easily undermined by people with no scruples, no sense of responsibility and no idea of the damage they are doing.'” It seems a little surreal that people are having to develop anti-spam weblog tools.


Gadget may wreak traffic havoc

In-car device lets drivers change stoplights; officials fear gridlock, seek to block signal

After scouring the net, I found the website to buy this thing at:

Pins and Needles

What makes your arms, legs and feet fall asleep?

This is definitely a strange sensation — you get up out of your seat, and all you feel from one foot is an uncomfortable tingling. Or you wake up in the middle of the night, and you can’t move your arm at all. And then, as your body part “wakes up,” the strange tingling intensifies. Just what is going on here?

Funny Pics

Evidentally, people are putting “creative” paint jobs on their vehicles…

Check it out.

Geek chic

Geek chic

We used to shun them, mock them, give them wedgies and snicker when they played Dungeons & Dragons. Those loser days, however, are as over as Dumb and Dumber prequels.


Rackspace receives Linux Journal’s Reader’s Choice Award

Rackspace Managed Hosting has been named Linux Journal’s Favorite Web Hosting Service as part of the magazine’s 2003 Readers’ Choice Awards.


X10 Files For Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection

telstar writes “As a followup to the recent Slashdot story about X10 losing a $4.3 million patent infringement suit over pop-unders, X10, the wireless camera company that ‘only last year billed itself as the world’s largest online advertiser’, have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. This allows them to continue to operate, but they’ll be shielded from creditors while they reorganize their finances – so rest easy, X10 popups are here to stay.”


Bomb-proof flight simulator developed

A giant bomb-proof chamber designed to mimic an airplane’s cargo hold could be used to safely trigger hidden explosives during airport security screening.

Corporate Blogging

Microsoft’s Blog: The Scobleizer

Still, most companies are reluctant to turn employees into embedded reporters.

White List

AT&T Moves Toward Mail-Server Whitelist

Gunfighter writes “In an apparent attempt to quelch the amount of incoming spam, AT&T has asked their customers, partners, and business clients to provide them with IP addresses of their mail servers. All other mail will be discarded. To quote the message: “… In order to continue to allow email to AT&T you need to provide the IP addresses of all your outbound email gateways. If you do not respond immediately, your access may not continue.””

Sanford Wallace

Spam king switches tune: Net ad guru finds new life running nightclub

He may be known as “DJ MasterWeb” now to his nightclub regulars at Plum Crazy, but Sanford Wallace once ruled the Internet as the king of spam.

Bad Memory

Gene linked to poorer memory

One form of a common brain protein makes us rather worse at remembering things, researchers have discovered. It is a first step towards finding the genes for intelligence.

New Batteries?

Tiny tubes squeeze electricity from water

An entirely new way of generating electricity has been discovered. The way it works is simple: squeeze water through fine pipelines and an electrical current flows.

Double Celebs

Celebrities double-team for ads

What’s better than one celebrity in an ad? How about two?

Picture Phones

Phones make your bad side visible to world

Cell phones that allow people to capture photographic images that can be sent to other users and posted on the Internet are becoming the hottest new electronic gadget.

Mind the Gap

London Underground train derails

A London Underground train derailed Sunday at a station in the north of the capital, injuring six of about 200 people on board, police said.


Hollywood gets in bed with porn

Ron Silver has been on many film sets in his career, but he saw something different at one this summer: The actors were having sex. Real sex. On camera. And what struck him was the nonchalance of those involved. “It seems like you become inured to it after a while,” the actor says. “There are guys on the crew doing crossword puzzles while somebody’s having oral sex.”


Cellphone positioning finds its place

The last call the victim made on her mobile phone was to the emergency services. It lasted for two minutes and contained a sequence of muffled sounds, but the police were unable to respond because they had no idea where she was when she made the call.


Ok, I have no idea where Prasanth found this, but its pretty amusing:

$240 Worth of Pudding

Oh, and he also found the Trunk Monkey

iTunes Piracy

iTunes for Windows may face new piracy threat

Apple’s successful music download service iTunes faces a new threat of misuse now that it has been extended to include users of Microsoft’s Windows operating system, say experts.


Obesity breaks up sperm DNA

Overweight men have reduced fertility due to increased fragmentation of DNA in their sperm, suggests a new US study.

Gene Theropy

Popping a pill could fix gene defect

Simply popping a pill might be enough to overcome the type of genetic defect responsible for many cases of cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy and haemophilia. An experimental drug called PTC124 produces a working protein even though the gene remains defective.

The NEW Joe Millionaire

‘Joe Millionaire’ moseys on over to Italy

A buff rodeo rider is fixin’ to lasso a bunch of European gold diggers for The Next Joe Millionaire: An International Affair, premiering Monday on Fox at 8 p.m. ET/PT.

Testosterone and Women

Testosterone patch boosts women’s sex lives

A skin patch that boosts the “male” hormone testosterone markedly improves the sex lives of women suffering from a loss of sexual desire, following the removal of their ovaries. Testosterone increased desire scores and sexual activity in these women by about 40 per cent compared to a placebo.