August 7th, 2003
6 Degrees of Email
Email experiment confirms six degrees of separation
Despite enabling almost instantaneous global communication, email appears not to have made the world a more close-knit community.
Just another weblog
Email experiment confirms six degrees of separation
Despite enabling almost instantaneous global communication, email appears not to have made the world a more close-knit community.
Jelly lenses could fix ageing eyes
A neat fix for ageing eyes could soon be tested in humans. The treatment, which involves replacing the contents of the lens in the eye with a soft polymer gel, could allow millions of people to throw away their reading glasses.
Swollen Orders Show Spam’s Allure
A security flaw at a website operated by the purveyors of penis-enlargement pills has provided the world with a depressing answer to the question: Who in their right mind would buy something from a spammer?
Has ‘haven’ for questionable sites sunk?
A widely publicized project to transform a man-made platform off the coast of England into a haven for controversial Web businesses has failed due to political, technical and management problems, one of the project’s founders said.
SBC announces deployment of Wi-Fi service
SBC Communications Inc. (NYSE: SBC) has announced plans to deploy more than 20,000 wireless fidelity or Wi-Fi hot spots in 6,000 venues during the next three years as part of a plan to create a new wireless service for consumers.
Poll: New Smoking Compromise Likely to Pass
A poll of city council by 1200 WOAI news indicates Mayor Garza’s last minute compromise in the smoking issue appears poised to pass city council tomorrow.
IT managers and developers gather at LinuxWorld in San Francisco to learn more about the open-source operating system that is gaining momentum but faces legal threats from SCO Group.
Gay taste? Here’s straight talk
Is it true, as some people believe, that gay men have better taste than their straight brothers?
Charm school
Swasko Jewels rolled out its WineJewels product too early; now the accessory company is coming out with its HipIce swinging
The full story about wine charms here:
Mayor Releases Smoking Compromise Plan
Thursday is the big day when we find out if smoking is banned in San Antonio restaurants. Mayor Ed Garza released his compromise plan on Monday.
You are what your mother ate, suggests study
What mothers eat during pregancy could have a fundamental and lifelong effect on the genes of their children, suggests an intriguing new study in mice.
Biggest not always the daddy in mating game
Contrary to commonly accepted theory, the females of some species are partial to weedier partners
Science graduates live long and prosper
Science and medicine students go on to live longer and healthier lives than those studying other subjects, according to a survey of men attending university between 1948 and 1968.
Colleges explore legal Net music setups
Universities are considering ways to bring legal Internet jukeboxes to dorm rooms, including entering deals with commercial service providers that would see online music charges included alongside tuition fees or picked up by the schools themselves
Hackers huddle in the desert
As the flaws keep flowing in, hackers and security experts gather in Las Vegas to work out what’s needed to keep the Internet safe–and whether it’s time for less talk and more action.
Virtual reality conquers sense of taste
A new device mimics the taste and “mouthfeel” of food from crackers to jelly – its designers say its perfect for designing new foods
Dixie Chicks Tour Bus in SA Fender Bender
At least one band member was on the bus during the 4AM wreck.
Texas Number One in Drunk Driving Fatalities
Texas leads the nation in the number of fatal accidents caused by drunk driving, according to new figures released by Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
Mayor: Smoking Ban May Fail
Garza for the first time acknowledges that the smoking ban may not pass this year.
Three San Antonio Roads May Become Toll Roads
Toll roads in San Antonio may become reality. TXDOT is coming forward with a new proposal.
Tight ties may be bad for eyes
Men who tie their neckties too tightly could be increasing their risk of a sight destroying disease, suggests new research
‘Crack’ nicotine in cigarettes varies widely
The level of the most addictive form of the drug is 35 times higher in some brands than others, researchers find
Tx Senators On The Run…. Again!
Democratic state lawmakers fled Texas on Monday for the second time in three months to thwart a Republican drive to redraw the state’s congressional districts.
By fusing images, Lehigh professor detects concealed weapons
(Thanks Dirk)
UPDATE: Ok people – enough with the “where are the pics”… Here’s the link to the slides that show the pics since its a bit hard to find:
NEW: Lotto chief says claim Jan. 29 jackpot today or lose it
Texas Lottery Commission executive director Reagan Greer made a last-ditch plea today for the winner of the Jan. 29 jackpot to convert the unclaimed ticket to riches.
Angelia sent this to me… all this matrix stuff is getting outta hand…
Self-help genre gets a good mocking
You shouldn’t laugh at another’s misfortunes. But it’s so much fun, particularly when those in question deserve it. Who Moved My Soap? is a delightful exercise in schadenfreude ? laughter at the expense of others.
Happiness helps fight off colds
Happy people are three times less likely to get a cold, according to researchers who squirted cold virus up the noses of volunteers.
Comedy legend dies at age 100, leaving behind wealth of TV, film credits
It can pay to think small
A Jolly Roger flag hangs in the third-floor window at ServerBeach’s headquarters in downtown San Antonio. Richard Yoo is the founder of a web hosting company called ServerBeach and also founded Rackspace, another web hosting company. The flag symbolizes the company’s renegade outlook, said Richard Yoo, its 28-year-old founder.
From Slashdot.
“Xenarc Technologies have introduced a cool new in-dash DIN-form-factor Car PC. It features built in hard drive, audio/video, and GPS, among other things. Estimated price will be about $1200. I can’t even begin to list the possibilities for mobile computing bliss.”
Texas House Bill 281 – cell phone use in cars – effective 9/1/03
Sec. 545.425.
(a)An operator may not use a telephone while operating
a motor vehicle unless:
1) the vehicle is stopped; or
2) the telephone is used without use of either of the
operator’s hands.
(b) An offense under this section is a misdemeanor
punishable by a fine of not less than $25 or more than
This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.
Carlie sent me a Pez bomb today… check out the photo! (I put a quarter in the picture for scale)
Will there be a baby boom over the next decade?
Poetry website goes from bad to verse
Vogons, fans of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy will recall, wrote poetry so bad it could kill. Now an experiment to create poems on the web looks likely to automate the awfulness of Vogon verse.
Woman Uses Blood As Weapon Against Police Officer
A routine traffic stop along a quiet street turned into a bizarre crime scene in New Braunfels.
Recent research shows that there are 5 stages of sex:
The 1st stage of sex is Smurf Sex. This kind of sex happens when you first meet someone and you both have sex until you are blue in the face.
The 2nd stage of sex is Kitchen Sex. This is when you have been with your partner for a short time and you are so horny you will have sex anywhere, even in the kitchen.
The 3rd stage of sex is Bedroom Sex. This is when you have been with your partner for a long time. Your sex has gotten routine and you usually have sex in your bedroom.
The 4th stage of sex is Hallway Sex. This is when you have been with your partner for too long. When you pass each other in the hallway you both say “Fuck You!”
The 5th and final stage of sex is Courtroom Sex. This is when you cannot stand your wife any more. She takes you to court and screws you in front of everyone.
David Filo, Yahoo’s co-founder and largest individual shareholder, sold company stock for the first time last week, netting around $3 million before taxes and fees.
Eat fish, ward off Alzheimer’s. Research finds omega-3 fatty acids boosts memory abilities.