DYI CD Changer

From Slashdot:

Home built CD changer contraption

Building some sort of gadget that changes the CDs in my cd tray is something I have often thought about. Mostly in the context of ripping my CD collection or burning a backup of my 5 gig photo collection.


Tongue Transplant

First human tongue transplant successful

The surgeons who gave an oral cancer patient a donor tongue believe he will be able to talk and eat normally, but not taste


Groopz Fun

Good read… make sure you read all the pages… gets funnier…


Living Large

How many adult men and women still live at home?


Nerd Music

Paul found this first… but I couldn’t understand it since it seems these dorks decided to over-dub on top of the original song… so I goggle’ed for the lyrics.


Old Drivers

Are old drivers road hazards?

Cause of accident questions if age is to blame; officials caution against criticizing older drivers’ skills.


Another story: http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2003-07-17-older-drivers-usat_x.htm

Chart: http://www.usatoday.com/news/2003-07-17-license-chart.htm

RAQ Fileserver

Ok, large drive support works fine on Debian 3.0 mips. This is good news…. you can check out the dmesg output below.
Read the rest of this entry »

Car quality: Japanese dominate

I think its amazing that, according to this article, that GM makes more reliable cars than VW. Weird.


Wow! More Press!

ServerBeach announced Debian this week… lots of press over it.

Cooking in College

Cooking in College

“I don’t cook very much. I’ll sometimes eat dry Ramen noodles out of the bag,” said Jeremy Martin, who is transferring to the University of Dallas in Irving.



Wow! I’ve been MAJORLY quoted in this one:

WEBppliance Pro For Windows 2003 Comes To Hosting Providers


Prostate Cancer

Masturbating may protect against prostate cancer

It will make you go blind. It will make your palms grow hairy. Such myths about masturbation are largely a thing of the past. But the latest research has even better news for young men: frequent self-pleasuring could protect against the most common kind of cancer.


Crack Pipes

Unknowingly Girl Saves Pennies For Crack Pipes

A 6-year old saves up her pennies for a present for mom. She ended up with a handful of crack pipes.


Debian Linux on RAQ2 (mips)

Debian 3.0 installs (fairly) cleanly and (farily) easily on the RAQ2 without a screwdriver. HOWTO is here:


It runs kernel 2.4.18 – but I don’t konw if it officialy has large drive support, so I’ll have to test it out… if so… this thing may become my new fileserver. Very exciting. 😉

Big head – bad head

Head size gives autism early warning

The brains of autistic children undergo an abnormal and dramatic growth spurt in the first year of their lives, according to a new study. The growth makes their heads markedly larger than those of normal infants.


Matrix Spoof

This about 90seconds long… its amazingly funny… Ping-pong gone Matrix.


Thanks Bart!


Evidentally, Paul thinks I’m a Metrosexual. And then Dirk calls me on the way home to listen to NPR because they’re playing something about metrosexuality on the air… well… here’s some info on it… check it out for yourself:

Frankly, I may be a quasi-Metrosexual… but I like cars… and the hardware store… and doing “boy” stuff… [shrug]

Matrix in ASCII

This is cool: http://pcfil.com/matrix.html?D0=1000000000

Thanks Bart!

High Tech Breast Enlargement

I thought that this was a bit weird, but evidentally it works…

Brava: High Tech Breast Enlargement

See how a microchip-packing bra can increase a woman’s chest size


Video clip here.


This is prettty cool… check out the “How it works” link



Women can ovulate more than once a month

Women may ovulate more than once a month, suggests a Canadian study that overturns conventional views on the human menstrual cycle.


5 port switch

Need a cheap 5 port 10/100 switch? How about SIX bucks! I have one next to my sofa – works great.


Duct tape in every pocket

Stolen from Eric

Christopher Blommel has a vision for a better world – one where every man would carry in his wallet a small cellophane packet containing a product that can come in handy in an emergency.



Seven (7) New York City bartenders were asked if they could nail a woman’s
personality based on what she drinks…. they concurred on almost all counts.
Read the rest of this entry »

Epson Champagne

Printer ink seven times more expensive than Dom Perignon

Printer manufacturers are ripping off consumers by overcharging for printer cartridges, according to a study by the Consumer Association’s Which? magazine.


Schools Check Buses For Dangerous Defect

Thousands of kids catch the bus everyday. But now a dangerous defect is catching school officials off-guard, and crews at area districts are scrambling to make repairs.


Microsoft to award stock

Microsoft to award stock, end options

Microsoft said Tuesday it plans to start giving employees grants of stock rather than options to buy shares, as part of a shift in the way the software maker compensates its employees.


Rackspace teams with Red Hat

Rackspace teams with Red Hat to offer Linux services

Rackspace Managed Hosting of San Antonio says it has partnered with Red Hat Inc. to provide a fail-safe environment for enterprises to run complex operations on the Linux platform.



Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About

Nothing keeps a relationship on its toes so much as lively debate. Fortunate, then, that my girlfriend and I agree on absolutely nothing. At all.

http://homepage.ntlworld.com/mil.millington/things.html (thanks Hilary!)


And people wonder why I make a huge fuss about how my car doesn’t lock the doors automagically…


Found – Again

So Annie sent me this link from NPR… it looks like I’m not the only one interested in FOUND.


Henry Hill

Original Gangster

We have a bad guy play bad-guy games. And he steals our GameCube

In the July issue of Electronics Gaming Monthly, we interviewed Henry Hill–you know, the guy the movie Goodfellas was based on? He worked for the mob, participated in the $6mil Lufthansa heist in ’78 (the biggest ever at the time), then turned state’s evidence and helped put away the Lucchese crime family. We thought the wiseguy who lived Grand Theft Auto back in the 60s and 70s should play it, so we called for a sit-down and brought in GTA: Vice City, Hitman 2, The Getaway, and, for the hell of it, Animal Crossing. Along for the meeting: Julian, Hill’s 14-year-old son and videogame consigliere. At the end of the game sections there’s a general Q&A with Henry, which we couldn’t fit in the magazine.


‘Recycled’ Rice

Restaurant gets ‘recycled’ rice warning

The Lille Buddha restaurant in Tromsoe has received a sharp warning from the regional Food Control Authority after a former waiter reported the eatery for reusing unfinished servings of rice and drinks, newspaper Nordlys reports.


Mating Game

Opposites do not attract in mating game

The idea that women are hunting for rich husbands while men choose wives for their beauty is a long way from the truth, suggests a new study.


Do-Not-Call List

Do-Not-Call List Grows to More Than 10 Million

Millions of people are declaring their phone numbers off limits to sales pitches by signing up with the national do-not-call list.


Unfair bosses make blood pressure soar

Disliked bosses make employees’ blood pressure rise to levels that can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke


Pain really is ‘all in the mind’

Brain scans provide the first proof that the same injury can produce different levels of pain in people, due to different brain activity


glass ceiling in EverQuest

A virtual glass ceiling in ‘EverQuest’?

You can be whoever you want to be online, but you’ll still make less money if you’re a woman.


Thong Man – The End

Holy CRAP! The Thong-Guy that I was talking about here:


and here:


is now DEAD! YIKES!

Read here:


Condom Head

I saw this on Unscrewed last night… funny, funny stuff. I highly recommend you watch it.
